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Sunday, December 07, 2008

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goji berry juiceDiet Approach To Hypothyroidism

'Hypo' stands for lower, less, small or little. Hypothyroidism is therefore an under-active thyroid gland. This condition can remain undetected for years. People generally have the symptoms even though their blood tests show that their thyroid functions are normal and the gland is working okay. This is due to standard pathological tests for thyroid function may not detect the 'sub clinical' cases.

The most common symptoms include tiredness, constipation, feeling the cold, dry skin, blurred vision and general numbness all over the body especially in fingers and toes. You are indeed at high risk if hypothyroidism is running into your family. Being the hereditary disease, this can come on to you too.

Preventing it before it occurs and help to treat or to eliminate it when it strikes to you is very important. Diet could be the best way to heal the disease. Diet is harmless and easy to follow as compare to any other therapy. Diet therapy can be considered as natural way to win hypothyroidism.

Some of the foods really help in hypothyroidism. They are listed below:

Tyrosine rich foods: the amino acid tyrosine joins with the iodine to make the hormone thyroxin. This category includes food like meat, fish, turkey and chicken breast. Low fat milk, yogurt, bananas, pumpkin seeds, lentils etc are well known supplements of tyrosine. They are to be taken on empty stomach so that it will not compete with other amino acids.

Iodine rich foods: iodine is an element that is needed to make thyroid hormones. Ideal food that contains the iodine includes Celtic sea salt, salt-water fish, seafood; seaweed etc. iodine has now become mandatory to supple into the salts.

Selenium rich foods: chicken, meat, tuna, whole unrefined grains, Brazil nuts, broccoli, garlic, onions and black strap molasses are the food that contains selenium. Selenium help thyroid to function well and to produce the good quality of thyroxin hormone.

Vitamin B complex rich foods: Vitamin B complexes help in over all health and immunity. It also builds the nerve sheath and therefore, this group helps in numbness and neuropathy.

High quality protein rich foods: all of your body's glands and hormones are made up of proteins. Eating protein rich food will help building the immunity in the body and they will help body to produce good quality hormones. Protein also gives you a power to withstand against the weakness and lethargy.

The body gets nourished by proteins, Vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and many other nutrients. The diet surely affect on the health of an individual especially in diseased condition. The taste, calorie content and nature of food can affect the disease and diseased. For instance, if one has acidity and goes on eating tamarind, he or she will surely increase the symptoms of acidity as tamarind contains acid. This goes same with the condition hypothyroidism. Foods can alter the disease and its conditions. Therefore, it is important to understand the role of diet in health conditions.

Related Articles:

Top Thyroid Supplements Based on Customer Reviews

Natural treatment for hypothyroidism

Please visit Hypothyroidism Treatment Guide for more information.

How To Get Six Pack Abs - 4 Nutrition Tips

In order to get the six pack abs you desire you need to reduce your body fat. This cannot be done by exercise alone, you also need to watch what you eat. In fact, I would say that it's far more important to adhere to a good diet than to exercise your abs, because you will only see those six pack abs when you lose that stubborn layer of flab which sticks to your belly.

Here are 4 nutritional tips which can get you on the fast track to those six pack abs:

1. Alcohol - They don't call Beer Bellies the way they call them for no reason. Alcohol is full of useless calories. I'm not saying you can't have a drink now and then. I enjoy the occasional beer or wine and it hasn't dulled my six pack, but if you drink too much you will have a hard time getting to that muscular definition you're longing for.

2. Fried food - Fried food is full of saturated fat. All that fat is going straight to your stomach. Burning it off will be a lot harder than resisting the urge to gobble it up, believe me. Fried food is also very unhealthy. Do yourself a favor: cut down on fried food.

3. Processed juices - If it's not 100% fruit, you shouldn't put it in your mouth. It means that it's full of chemicals, sugar, and all sorts of dietary additives which you should avoid at all cost. Drink freshly squeezed juices or none at all.

4. Sweetened morning cereals - These cereals may have promises of health written on their packages, but they are filled to the brim with sugar and so can be disastrous to your six pack abs quest.

Follow these 4 tips and you will be on your way to great abs.

To read more tips on how to get a flat stomach, click here:

John Davenport writes about tips and methods to get six pack abs on a dedicated webpage on the subject at Abs Tricks, Tips, And Secrets

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