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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

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Have you ever considered that right now there is a huge food shortage for helping the Third World Nations and the deficit is getting bigger, not only due to more mouths to feed and transportation costs, but because there really is a food shortage. Recently this was discussed in our Online Think Tank.

A student graduating from the University of Colorado noted that WFP or World Food Program, like the UN and other major NGOs had a food shortage and she willfully donated her $10 monthly monies to the cause. The issues are indeed the dire. We need GM Foods to feed the Third World. GM Foods have less spoilage in shipping and greater yields in the fields. Without this edge; can we still feed the World?

After all we need to Feed the World; so why do Environmentalists attack GMO Foods? Well they believe that they are; �unnatural, minimally nutritious and some studies have tried to link some GMO foods to various diseases.�

Some people will not eat GM Foods and the EU will not allow them to be sold. Some fair criticism has been issued and that is that we do not know the full results of GM Crops yet and therefore we need to know more before we start feeding them to the world. Yes, but if we wait and the food shortages grow more people (humans) will indeed starve to death, which is not a good thing.

So our Online Think Tank has been debating both sides of this issue rather vigorously, do we let people starve today to save them from a possibly potential eventuality some time in the far off future? I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Fiber Rich Foods - Why to Eat These Foods

Amid the vast variety of foods that individuals eat, a daily diet of ample, adequate and balanced fiber should be considered just as much as it is necessary to know why to eat fiber rich foods.

Fiber, in a generalization, is divided into two basic types, which are insoluble and soluble. To define each fiber is to comprehend their respective functionality. Of these fibers, and, in why to eat fiber rich foods, is primarily based upon individuals' digestive system, as well as in relativity to overall health and lifestyle.

Within the digestive system of individuals, lies the intestinal tract. Upon the presence of water in such tract, the soluble fibers are dissolved. As the fiber dissolves into the intestinal water, a gel substance, much like glue, is biologically created. Such substance provides three regulatory benefits in why to eat fiber rich foods, which amounts to excellent digestion, by the processes of reducing the speed at which the abdomen evacuates, as it softens the stools. These regulating benefits aid greatly in alleviating constipation and indigestion. Two additional and essential benefits to gain from why to eat fiber rich foods that contain soluble fibers, is in their respective abilities to reduce cholesterol levels, as well as to distribute ample quantities of insulin for the processing of blood sugars following ingestion.

Also inclusive of the digestive system is the gastrointestinal tract. The biological reasoning in as why to eat fiber rich foods that are of an insoluble nature is because this type of fiber acts as nature's best laxative. Insoluble fibers possess the capabilities of retaining water, and, as a result, cause waste to move at an increased rate of movement through the intestines. Such biological action lessens the period for which the stool's cancerous components have to contact the bowel's lining, and, as an optimum effect, lowers the risks of the development of cancer in the color. Other secondary and beneficial derivatives as in why to eat fiber rich foods that contain insoluble fibers are in the prevention of hemorrhoids, along with creating softer stools.

Of foods, in general, fiber is the portion of all varieties of plant food that is not digestible, as it is indigestible. So, individuals might ponder about why to eat fiber rich foods? It is the digestive system of the body that is unable to stomach fiber, therefore, it is in an undigested state as the body, or, more pointedly, bowels, excrete it. Still, individuals may wonder why to eat fiber rich foods?

The aspects of overeating or not incorporating enough fiber in the human diet, either singularly or in combination, can propagate the following maladies in individuals, to include digestive complications, presence of gallstones, increased cholesterol, diseases of the heart, cancer of the colon, morbid obesity, intense indigestion, abdominal stress, frequent constipation, occurrence of hemorrhoids, less energy, and a lack of concentration. Although there are such remedies in existence to aid in such bodily ills, the natural antidote is fiber, which is why to eat fiber rich foods.

Now that the rationale in why to eat fiber rich foods has been adequately addressed, it is of equal importance for individuals to identify the foods that are rich in fiber. For optimum benefits from fiber, such fiber-laden foods can include all bran cereal, apples, baked potato with skin, bananas, beans, carrots, oranges, peas, red cabbage, spinach, sweet corn and whole meal brown bread.

Why to eat fiber rich foods provides other subliminal though practical benefits for those individuals who are endeavoring towards fitness and weight objectives. Fiber provides individuals with that sense of fullness, based upon bulk and indigestible factors as to insoluble fiber, resulting in less volume of food consumption. Where soluble fiber is concerned, the body burns additional calories in digesting its mass. In a summarization, why to eat fiber rich foods provides multiple attributes, in overall health, bowel regularity, colon cancer defense, volume of food consumed, and weight control.

Another alternative to whole foods, that is rich in fiber, in a continuation of why to eat fiber rich foods, can be found in such naturally formulated supplements.

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Simple Dinner Sets Go A Long Way

The time has come when Christmas is only just around the corner and you still have to go shopping to buy presents, decorations, food, Christmas tree etc. You begin to panic as you have realised that you have to buy a completely new range of dinner sets as your old sets have chipped, washed out or cracked. On the other hand, maybe this is your first Christmas dinner to cook for the family and friends, and you have no dishware to serve your dinner.

This year I have noticed a new trend in simple dinner sets and fine crockery for special occasions. People prefer to purchase simple earthenware designs that match well with plain shades of place mats, napkin with a simple napkin ring and long tinted glasses. Putting a simple spread out for Christmas can be more effective than spending huge amounts of money on expensive dishware and tablecloths that will only be used once or twice in a year.

Dinner sets are something that have been around for more than a century, but have not always been a fashion accessory at the dinner table. Having the right set for a special occasion appears to be an essential part of the preparation process for a big meal such as Christmas. It is not enough now to view dishware as just a tool to eat food from; the design of the plate plays an important part in displaying the appeal of the food and its presentation. It is more common now to serve food on plain white plates than it was during the 1980s whereby flower patterned plates were more popular.


Historically dinner sets were made from wood, metals, pewter and even animal skulls. Modern dishware is made from stoneware, earthenware, porcelain, glass and melamine resin. The Chinese had discovered the process of making porcelain around 600AD and had begun trading porcelain objects with the European during the 1300s. Owning porcelain made plates was a must-have for the Europeans. It was not until 1708 that a German potter in Meissen discovered the Chinese porcelain making process, beginning a new range of great European potteries.

Some of the most popular and best-known potters were also founded during this period. Famous brands such as Royal Saxon, Wedgewood, Royal Copenhagen and Spode. The practise of collecting souvenir plates was not popularised until 1800s by Patrick Palmer-Thomas, a Dutch-English nobleman who impressed Victorian audiences with his public displays of plates. The first collectible items 'Behind the Frozen Window', was credited to the Danish namely Bing and Grondahl. Christmas designed plates were then produced by many of the European countries particularly that of Royal Copenhagen and the Rosenthal series in 1910. It was not long before the European designs were introduced to the U.S with sales going up in souvenir shops, department stores and gift shops.

Plates are still used as a collectible item, mainly for older generations rather than the younger culture. Some popular collectibles are usually from abroad with intricate paintings of the countries national customs captured onto the dish. With different shapes and thickness available, dishwares are an important element in keeping up a good appearance of one's efforts on producing a good spread and the most popular designs are simple with a few small accessories to jazz it up.

Anna Stenning has a large collection of dinner sets and designer plates from around the globe. She purchases her finest sets from

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