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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The latest Informaiton on Holistic Remedies

goji berries benefitsEvery Time Your Heart Beats

To really understand nutrition, you must see it from the cellular level. If you eat a piece of pizza every last, little bit of that slice of pizza is used, stored or excreted by your body. Everything you put into your mouth eventually becomes cellular. So in other words, whatever you put into your mouth becomes a part of your body, a piece of you. Whatever you eat either nourishes your body or hinders it!

Think of it like this, every time your heart beats, that beat is delivering nutrition, oxygen (air), or toxins to all of your cells. And what your cells have to work with all depends on what YOU have put in your body for that heartbeat to take to your cells. So ultimately it is up only to you as to whether or not the blocks taken and distributed are nutrients or detriments.

The core value of what you eat determines what your body gets to use. To be healthy, the core value of the building blocks your body has to work with must be good. You cannot build a strong building out of inferior products or the building won't last for long. If you have a foundation that is weak, the building will be weak. If you have a foundation that is strong, but you use only the meanest of materials to build upon that foundation, your building will still be weak. But if you build a strong building upon a strong foundation, then your building will be strong and healthy. The same is true for your body.

But this is still just part of the equation. Your body, unlike a building, is always rebuilding or replacing itself. It is a living machine that replaces many weak or non-working parts on a daily basis. And this they say is the rest of the story...

What kind of a building block do you think the foods your eat make? Take Alcohol for instance. Are the blocks strong or weak? Alcohol breaks down into sugars. Sugars are a weak block. Easily made and easily used up. Fat breaks down into stronger blocks. But the problem with the fat block is that it is so strong that it takes lots of work for your body to break down and use. So it gets stored and your body becomes more obese. Fruits and vegetables also make sugar blocks, but they also make complex strong blocks that don't add as much fat and that are easy for your body to use if the body needs them. Breads and grains also add sugar that is easy to use but also complex proteins that add strength to your building.

So now we get around to the discussion of nutrition. The experts have been telling us for years that we need to eat from the nutrition pyramid. Do you remember that? Just like a building, the pyramid has a strong base, and building blocks that combine in harmony to make a strong structure. It is just that no one has ever explained to us why nutrition is so important. It all has to do with our cells and how our body works.

To help your body be the strongest it can be, thoughtfully consider everything you put into your mouth. Am I eating something that will ultimately be good for my body or something that will contribute to the weakness of my structure? Every time your heart beats are those beats taking the building blocks to your cells that you need to create and maintain your body? It is up to you. Choose wisely.

Take care and love yourself.

Frances Lewis

The author operates, an educational and informational blog about health and weight loss. She is a 30+-year veteran of the health services business. Now she devotes her full time educating and helping people reach their ideal body weight. Frances has always had a passion for teaching and education. She helps others to gain control of their health and their weight. Her new FREE weight loss roadmap teaching you, "TOP TEN, NO KIDDING, NO FAIL TIPS FOR LOSING WEIGHT AND REGAINING YOUR HEALTH!" is now available at Just fill out the FREE gift section in the upper right hand corner.

Goji is great source of antioxidants

Mon, 07 Apr 2008 17:22:00 EDT
For thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine has looked to the goji berry as a potent source of nutrients. ... Specifically used for its supposed anti-aging properties and its benefit to eyesight, goji's high vitamin C and B content also help make it a powerful combatant a gainst kidney and liver problems....Sometimes referred to as wolfberries, goji berries make a healthy and delicious little snack. ... In addition to the benefits listed above, some recent research into this rare fruit uncovered a potential link between its consumption and a decrease in blood pressure a nd cholesterol....

Goji Berries���#34;Wonderful Herb

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Trendy fruits, nuts and vegetables - Food Processing

Mon, 31 Mar 2008 19:51:36 GMT

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Food Processing, IL - Mar 31, 2008
A few of the more exotic superfruits include acai, camu camu, whole coffee fruit and goji berry. “Now, blends of superfruits are seeing growth as companies ...

US: Bring on the Antioxidant-rich Foods - FreshPlaza

Tue, 01 Apr 2008 14:52:46 GMT

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FreshPlaza, Netherlands - Apr 1, 2008
Among the berries with the highest antioxidant count include blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and elderberries. The goji berry (also known as the wolf ...

Interview with Alan Friedman from Good Cause Wellness about ...

Mon, 31 Mar 2008 00:00:00 CST
Mike: This is a delightful taste right from the beginning but even more importantly when you look at what is in it, I see for example Goji berry powder. ...