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Monday, December 01, 2008

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goji berries nutritional infoCustomized Granola - Broward New Times

Thu, 20 Nov 2008 13:42:26 GMT

Customized Granola
Broward New Times, FL - Nov 20, 2008
Then select from 48 natural and organic ingredients -- dried blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, goji berries, almonds, raisins, coconut flakes, ...

Me and Goji Custom Cereal - Sustainable is Good

Tue, 18 Nov 2008 12:01:41 GMT

Sustainable is Good

Me and Goji Custom Cereal
Sustainable is Good, RI - Nov 18, 2008
Adam Sirois, Me & Goji's founder told me about the unique name of his company. "Goji comes from goji berries which are pound for pound probably the ...

How to Stay Healthy During the Winter - Natural

Sat, 29 Nov 2008 15:40:37 GMT


How to Stay Healthy During the Winter
Natural, AZ - Nov 29, 2008
They can all be added to our favourite foods to enhance the flavour and provide extra nutrition. Super foods such as goji berries, bee pollen and camu camu ...

goji berries nutritional infoOstrich: A New Red Meat

A New Red Meat

Since the high glycogen content of Ostrich meat confers to it an almost sweet flavor, it is suggested to serve it along with a complement of vegetables that contrast nicely with sweet, such as red radicchio and rocket. Rich in proteins and iron, the meat is also low in fat (1-2g per 100g of meat). A large part of those 2g consists of polyunsaturated fatty acids (healthier) as compared with saturated fats. This makes ostrich meat ideal for the diets of babies and the elderly, pregnant and lactating women as well as athletes and people suffering from anemia. As for its flavor; it is more or less similar to high quality beef, although it is much more tender and made up of very short muscle fibers that allow for easier digestion.


Most ostrich meat comes from farms, many of which are located in Israel, South Africa and the US. Sold ever more commonly even in traditional butcher shops, the major obstacle to its purchase is its relatively high price. This due in large part to three factors: high mortality rates among the farm-raised birds, long growing periods (9 months to a year) and low meat yields relative to the animal's weight (35kg edible meat from a 150kg animal).


This meat should be stored in the coldest part of the refrigerator soon after purchase, ideally wrapped in the appropriate polyethylene wraps or in wax paper. It should be consumed within one or two days of purchase at the most.


Ostrich is a flightless bird because it has a flat breastbone that makes it unsuitable for flight. On top of making it flightless, the bird's flat breastbone means it does not have large breast or wing muscles. Therefore the meat from comes from the thigh, leg and back. Cuts are nearly exclusively from the various muscle groups found in the animal's leg, divided into the fillet, sirloin, and thigh. The last cut comes from the neck. From the fillet, cut from the less fibrous part of the animal's thigh, are cut the medallions, kebabs, carpaccios and roasts. From the sirloin; cutlets, steaks, chops and roulades. From the thigh itself; roasts and ground meat for meatballs and hamburgers, while the neck is used in boiled dishes and ossobuco.


In dealing with lean meats such as that of the ostrich, especially when grilling, it is important to baste the meat with abundant extra-virgin olive-oil before cooking it in order to avoid the meat becoming hard and dry due to the quick evaporation of its juices. Another method, useful when cooking whole cuts, is to lard the meat in such a way that it keeps the meat moist. Even for the higher quality cuts, it is preferable to cook ostrich meat in the pan and for only a short period. It is also best if the meat is cooked rare and therefore should be removed from the refrigerator at least half an hour, this also allows for a shorter cooking time. In order to further avoid losing the meat's juices, it is wise not to puncture the meat with a fork but instead handle it with two spoons in a pincer movement. For the same purpose, it is a good idea to brown the ostrich roast in a pan with some butter and extra-virgin olive oil before cooking it in the oven, this creates a barrier on the outside of the meat that helps keep the juices in.

Ostrich meat's extreme tenderness, comparable only to the finest veal fillet, lends itself nicely to being eaten crude and therefore should be tried in a carpaccio or tartar.

David Russo, VMD, PhD
Veterinary Scientist, Gourmet Lover and Amateur Cook

Dairy Products and Margarines

Whenever you want to consume any type of dairy product, you should always aim for the 1 percent low-fat or even no fat variety. In eggs for example, all the cholesterol is stored in the yolk. A good source of dietary protein is considered to be egg whites and also, these are cholesterol-free. Cholesterol-free egg substitutes are available in the supermarket if you do indeed have a craving for the yellow part of the egg.

Still, it has been shown through recent studies that the development of heart disease is not affected in any way by the consumption of one egg daily. This may be due to the fact that eggs contain some sort of antioxidant vitamins and unsaturated (rather than saturated) fats that counterbalance the deleterious effect of the cholesterol.

Using soybean oil or olive oil instead of butter, or even liquid margarine such as margarine made from rapeseed oil or soybean oil could be the best idea in order to keep a balanced and low-cholesterol diet. Remember to substitute all your regular diary products to 1 percent or no fat � substitute regular milk with 1 percent or no fat if you are a milk drinker.

Same thing goes for yogurt. Instead of ice cream, go for sherbet or low fat yogurt. Cheeses that contain less than 5 grams of fat per ounce are low fat cheeses. Low fat cheeses are recommended almost anywhere � in your diet, in your cooking recipes. But still, even with that amount of fat, it is very important to be very careful at the quantity.

Margarine is a very interesting subject when it comes to low fat diets. It is a known fact that margarine has less saturated fat than butter. This of course being the good news. The bad news is that it actually contains more hydrogenated (or trans) fats. It can actually be worse for your cholesterol levels to consume stick margarine rather than eating butter, all because stick margarines contain very high amounts of hydrogenated fats.

If you really are a fan of margarines then you can try the softer margarines since these have lower levels of hydrogenated fat and saturated fat than stick margarine and butter. Softer margarines can be recognized because they always come in a tub or a liquid form. The best bet is to look for margarines that are made with unsaturated liquid vegetable oil. Some other safe substitutes are known to be soybean or olive oil.

Jean Helmet is a content editor who focuses on a wide array of niche health topics. Her latest website - Natural Cholesterol Supplement focuses on cholesterol as a whole, and in partcular, a natural product our editors personally use with excellent health results known as - Cholest-Natural

Be sure to check out our cholesterol product of choice, it is the natural supplement we use and recommend to friends and family, and have done for over 3 years.

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