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Friday, September 05, 2008

A blog about where can i buy goji berries

where can i buy goji berriesCooking Lobster

Lobsters are one of the most delicious foods and are considered as a luxury by some. They are healthy and low in fat. Unfortunately, they taste better when cooked alive and thus cooking lobsters, for some people, can really be a difficult task what with boiling or cutting them when still alive. However, certain specific cooking methods need to be followed to speed up the killing process.

For boiling lobsters, a large pot full of rolling boiling water needs to be added with salt and lemon juice. For a 12 to 14 quarter pot, the water level needs to be at least 6 inches high. Once the water is at full boil, the lobster has to be dropped head first inside the pot. In case of trying the reverse, the lobster might crawl back out of the pot. For a lobster weighing 1 lb, the ideal cooking time would be 12 minutes whereas for a 1.5 lb lobster the time would be 15-18 minutes. A 2 lb lobster needs about 22 minutes for proper cooking. The boiled lobsters can be removed from the water once the shells are bright red and then can be served with melted butter. Lobsters get overcooked very quickly and to avoid this, they need to be taken out as soon as the time is up and placed on grocery bags or paper towels for draining.

For steaming lobsters, they need to be placed inside the pot, along with something with holes at the bottom of the pot, so that the lobsters are never able to sit in the water. A 10-quarter pot might need an inch of water added with salt. While lobsters under 2 lbs require 10-12 minutes of cooking, 15-20 minutes would be needed for those over 2 lbs.

Live lobsters may not be ideal for broiling. Individuals can kill them by stabbing them through the ?T? mark on their head, appearing right behind the eyes. A sharp knife is essential to cut through the center of the shell followed by cracking the shell and prying the sucker open by hands. Claws can also be cracked but not removed. For broiling, the lobsters are brushed with melted butter and placed on a preheated pan or broiler with the shell side down until they are heated through.

Lobster provides detailed information on Lobster, Lobster Tails, Lobster Recipes, Maine Lobster and more. Lobster is affiliated with Salmon Fishing.

Buzz, Buzz - Integrated Pest Management More Profitable for Farmers

Integrated Pest Management (IPM), the new buzzword in farming is proving to be both cost effective and profitable, and when used in conjunction with organic farming is helping to profoundly affect the impact that farming has on the environment. Insects, micro organisms and weeds are all considered to be pests when they threaten the viability of crops or livestock.

What is Integrated Pest Management?
Tracking farm pests has always been difficult, often relying more on intuition and farmers networks than on scientific evidence, however modern farmers now use IPM to monitor minor outbreaks and general population cycles of farm pests. Databases of pest life cycles and the way they interact with the environment, in conjunction with regional and localised testing allow farmers to anticipate problems within their district, and specifically prepare for infestations in advance of these occurring.

The initial setup of an integrated pest management system requires auditing a farm and its susceptibility to pests, followed by development of monitoring systems. In practice most farmers already have anecdotal evidence of previous infestations and auditing their farm isn't as demanding as it seems.

Benefits of Integrated Pest Management
Monitoring farm pests requires setting traps and taking measurements on a regular basis, of both beneficial and noxious pests. As a cornerstone of organic farming IPM aims to maintain balance within the local ecosystem, an unbalanced system can quickly become unstable and may require control of even beneficial insects, organism and weeds.

By monitoring and tracking potential pests long before they become a problem, farmers are able to spot eradicate, thus avoiding the need for poisons and dangerous chemicals ever getting into the soil or groundwater. The United States Department of Agriculture are now recommending that the bulk of the agricultural sector should adopt integrated pest management because it is safer and more profitable for farmers.

Howard Farmer
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Want to Be Healthy? Check Your Spice Rack!

If you love the smell of fresh gingerbread baking in the oven, cinnamon, or other spices that you use especially in this time of the year, then you should know that they may be the key to a healthier life and you`re on the right track.

When you see the spice rack, you should think at opportunities for a better health, according to Dr. Glen Aukerman, leader of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Ohio State University Medical Center.

For instance, ginger may help with digestive problems. Previously, it was showed that the sense of fullness, bloating, or nausea may be stopped with ginger, said Dr. Aukerman.

Cinnamon is another holiday favorite that lowers the levels of triglycerides, LDL cholesterol - the so-called bad cholesterol, and increases the levels of good cholesterol, HDL. Cinnamon may be taken every day in pill form as a key supplement to the body.

Peppermint may help when you overeat. Peppermint teas or pills may prevent indigestion, according to Dr. Aukerman.

Peppermint can also act as a decongestant when you catch a cold, he added. Rosemary is another spice that may help year-round. Due to its properties, rosemary is a natural way to stop the headaches. For those who like to eat more spicy, cayenne pepper is indicated for arthritis or back pains.

If you want to add more spice to your life, you may try some of the following recipes: Empress Chili (Cincinnati-style), Gingersnaps, Chicken breasts with fresh fennel at the microwave, or Spicy stir-fried vegetables.

(c) Project Weight Loss 2008. All rights reserved.

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A Delicious Super Food Chocolate Cake Recipe - Natural

Mon, 25 Aug 2008 03:52:52 GMT


A Delicious Super Food Chocolate Cake Recipe
Natural, AZ - Aug 24, 2008
Goji berries are the highest source of vitamin C, a sexual tonic, and one of the best cancer fighting super foods. Just ask the Tibetans. ...

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