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Saturday, July 05, 2008

Recent information on goji berries benefits

goji berries benefitsThe Future of Skin Care

Women have incessantly experimented with the latest magical potion under the sun in hopes of finding the fountain of youth. The new trend in creating a glowing complexion is nourishing your skin from within. Beautiful skin starts from the inside out. Drinking plenty of water, a healthy diet of eating raw fruits and vegetables, and taking nutritional supplements is the new beauty regimen in achieving healthy and radiant skin.

Keep skin hydrated and moisturized by drinking plenty of purified water. Drinking water helps the body rid itself of toxins. Your body will not produce or repair collagen when your body is dehydrated. We have all heard �Drink eight glasses of water a day�. The latest recommendation is to drink approximately half your body weight in ounces of water a day.

Incorporating raw food into your diet will improve your overall health as well as the appearance of your skin. Raw food is food in its natural state with the enzymes left intact. Heating food above 105 degrees Fahrenheit destroys the enzymes as well as vitamins and minerals. A drained enzyme supply can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies and premature aging. People eating mostly raw food have seen an improvement in their skin and look younger.

Drinking juices jam packed with nutrients and antioxidants is the latest craze in attaining smoother skin. Antioxidants counteract free radicals that age the skin. These juices are sold as dietary supplements with a recommended dosage of one to four ounces a day. Goji Juice made from goji berries is one of the most popular. Goji berries are a nutritionally dense food containing vitamins, minerals, amino acids, polysaccharides, and potent antioxidants said to be anti-aging. Goji berries are a rich source of beta carotene which is known to help protect skin from sun-damage. Goji berries also balance the body�s pH level and boost the body's production of the human growth hormone, the youth hormone, which promotes better sleep, supple skin, and a more youthful appearance.

Expect the future of skin care to be about what you are consuming rather than what you are putting on your skin. Feed your skin from within for more youthful looking skin.

Elizabeth Kiely is the owner of EK Healthy Home and Bath:

Honeydew Melons: Your 'Sweet' Key To Health

Of all the melon varieties, honeydew melons have the most mouth-watering taste. Belonging to the cultivar�s group of muskmelons, honeydew melons occur in numerous varieties like the Crenshaw, Casaba (from Kasaba, a town in Turkey), Persian, and Winter. Honeydew melons provide one of the best options for a quick bite, especially for those who believe in leading a healthy lifestyle. It was Marco Polo who first discovered the Persians drying honeydew melons to enhance their aroma and flavor. Cut honeydew melons with seeds make an excellent snack. Not just that, honeydew melons can be dried and kept like raisins and its seeds can be roasted. Honeydew melons can also be made into lip-smacking kebabs!

Honeydew melons provide a number of alternatives for your healthy diet. They are rich in Vitamin C, potassium, pantothenic acid, and Vitamin B6 that help to overcome high blood pressure, skin disorders and other related problems of the circulatory system. These melons are at their nutritive best when ripe. But there is one risk associated with ripe honeydew melons- they are highly perishable. After a long and tedious research, scientists have finally come up with a solution to keep honeydew melons at their 'sweetest best'. The solution is very simple indeed. All you need is to drown the melons in a water-bath containing a special calcium-amino acid solution right after harvest. The calcium in the solution penetrates the rind to make it firmer and increases its shelf life. Thus the aging process of melons is arrested to a great extent. However, growers have to be a little careful deciding the time of picking of honeydew melons. Once picked, honeydew melons do not develop further sweetness. Hence, a great attention must be directed towards the picking of these melons.

A little expertise is needed to identify and pick honeydew melons at their best. Merely picking up by its rind and color are not always the safest options to pick up the right melon. Choose a melon that has no soft spots. Shake it up from side to side. If you hear the shaking of the seeds, it is perfect to be taken along. Honeydews grow best in January and February. However, if it is early in the season, choose a melon that is ripe among the bunch. If the 'seed-shaking' is not quite distinct, keep the melon in a kitchen towel for a day or two. Melons that are picked up prior to the loosening of their seeds will not ripen at all. So growers must be all the careful when picking up their produce to be sent to the market.

These little tips are highly important to preserve the rocking taste of honeydew melons. It�s sweet taste blends easily to lend an exotic flavor to any dish. Believed to have originated in France, honeydew melons made their inroads to the US nearly a century ago and have been highly popular since then. With added health benefits and numerous recipe options, honeydew melons are rapidly getting stacked into the grocery shelves!

Suzanne Macguire is an Internet marketing professional with expertise in content development and technical writing in a variety of industries.

Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Honeydew

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