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Great Life Makes Great Contribution - Canyon News

Sun, 28 Dec 2008 07:00:00 GMT
Great Life Performance Pet Products doesn't just provide valuable services and goods, they provide warmth and shelter for dogs this winter. Elliott Harvey MH is the founder of ...

Benefits of Goji Berries

Wed, 09 Jan 2008 18:49:27 EST
Many health studies have focused on the numerous direct benefits of a plant-based diet high in portions vegetables and fruits. In addition to more well-known fruits and juices such as pomegranate juic...

Goji Berries: Health Benefits and Side Effects

Wed, 31 Dec 2008 00:00:00 EDT
Here are answers to your questions about the benefits of goji berries. What is the goji berry?...

what are goji berries good forHow To Become A Healthy Eater

Healthy eating is all about balanced and moderate eating, consisting of healthy meals at least three times per day. Healthy eaters eat many different types of foods, not limiting themselves to one specific food type or food group.

Being a healthy eater requires you to become both educated and smart about what healthy eating actually is. Being food smart isn't about learning to calculate grams or fat, or is it about studying labels and counting calories.

Eating healthy requires quite a bit of leeway. You might eat too much or not enough, consume foods that are sometimes more or less nutritious.However, you should always fuel your body and your brain regularly with enough food to keep both your mind and body strong and alert.

A healthy eater is a good problem solver. Healthy eaters have learned to take care of themselves and their eating with sound judgment and making wise decisions. Healthy eaters are always aware of what they eat, and know the effect that it will have on their bodies.

When someone is unable to take control of their eating, they are also likely to get out of control with other aspects of life as well. They could end up spending too much, talking too much, even going to bed later and later.

You should always remember that restricting food bin any way is always a bad thing. Healthy eating is a way of life, something that you can do to enhance your body or your lifestyle. If you've thought about making your life better, healthy eating is just the place to start. You'll make life easier for yourself, those around you, and even your family.

Eating healthy is something we all would like to do, although it can be hard. In order to eat healthy, you must first make the right food choices. Eating healthy is all about what you eat, which makes the choices very crucial to your results.

Healthy Food Choices


These should be varied, as you should eat 2 1/2 cups of them each day. You should start eating more of the dark vegetables, such as broccoli and spinach. Carrots and sweet potatoes are good as well. You should also eat more dry beans such as peas, pinto beans, and even kidney beans.


You should consume 6 ounces of grains per day. To do this,you can eat 3 ounces of whole grain cereals, breads, rice,crackers, or pasta. You can get an ounce of grains in a single slice of bread, or 1 cut of cereal.


Fruits are very important. You should try to eat 2 cups of them each day. Focus on eating a variety, such as fresh, frozen, canned, or even dried fruit. You can drink fruit juices as well, although you should use moderation when doing so.


Milk is your calcium rich friend. For adults, 3 cups is the ideal goal. For kids 2 - 8, 2 cups is where you want to be. When choosing milk products or yogurt, you should go for fat-free or low-fat. Those of you who don't like milk or can't have it, should go for lactose free products or other sources of calcium such as fortified foods and beverages.

Beans And Meat

Eating 5 ounces a day is the ideal goal, as you should go lean with your protein. When eating meat, always bake it,grill it, or broil it, as this will prevent grease from adding to the equation. You should vary your protein as well, with more fish, beans, peas, and nuts.

When cooking your food, you should also limit solid fats such as butter, margarine, shortening, and lard. These foods may add flavor to your dishes, although they can also help raise your cholesterol as well. Therefore, you should try to add these foods and any foods that happen to contain them.

To help keep your saturated fat, trans fat, and sodium low, you can check the nutrition facts label. This label can be found on the food package and will tell you all the information you need to know about the food item.

By picking your foods wisely and watching what you eat,you'll help control your lifestyle. Exercise is great as well, as it goes along perfect with a healthy eating lifestyle. No matter what your age may be, eating healthy will help you keep your active lifestyle for years and years - even help you and your health in the long run as well.

Freedom,peace of mind, and joy are not just for other people: They're for you,too!

The benefits of Healthy Living are real, and so is the path you take to get there.

Follow The Path Of Healthy Living with me!

You can learn a lot more here:

Diet Approach To Hypothyroidism

'Hypo' stands for lower, less, small or little. Hypothyroidism is therefore an under-active thyroid gland. This condition can remain undetected for years. People generally have the symptoms even though their blood tests show that their thyroid functions are normal and the gland is working okay. This is due to standard pathological tests for thyroid function may not detect the 'sub clinical' cases.

The most common symptoms include tiredness, constipation, feeling the cold, dry skin, blurred vision and general numbness all over the body especially in fingers and toes. You are indeed at high risk if hypothyroidism is running into your family. Being the hereditary disease, this can come on to you too.

Preventing it before it occurs and help to treat or to eliminate it when it strikes to you is very important. Diet could be the best way to heal the disease. Diet is harmless and easy to follow as compare to any other therapy. Diet therapy can be considered as natural way to win hypothyroidism.

Some of the foods really help in hypothyroidism. They are listed below:

Tyrosine rich foods: the amino acid tyrosine joins with the iodine to make the hormone thyroxin. This category includes food like meat, fish, turkey and chicken breast. Low fat milk, yogurt, bananas, pumpkin seeds, lentils etc are well known supplements of tyrosine. They are to be taken on empty stomach so that it will not compete with other amino acids.

Iodine rich foods: iodine is an element that is needed to make thyroid hormones. Ideal food that contains the iodine includes Celtic sea salt, salt-water fish, seafood; seaweed etc. iodine has now become mandatory to supple into the salts.

Selenium rich foods: chicken, meat, tuna, whole unrefined grains, Brazil nuts, broccoli, garlic, onions and black strap molasses are the food that contains selenium. Selenium help thyroid to function well and to produce the good quality of thyroxin hormone.

Vitamin B complex rich foods: Vitamin B complexes help in over all health and immunity. It also builds the nerve sheath and therefore, this group helps in numbness and neuropathy.

High quality protein rich foods: all of your body's glands and hormones are made up of proteins. Eating protein rich food will help building the immunity in the body and they will help body to produce good quality hormones. Protein also gives you a power to withstand against the weakness and lethargy.

The body gets nourished by proteins, Vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and many other nutrients. The diet surely affect on the health of an individual especially in diseased condition. The taste, calorie content and nature of food can affect the disease and diseased. For instance, if one has acidity and goes on eating tamarind, he or she will surely increase the symptoms of acidity as tamarind contains acid. This goes same with the condition hypothyroidism. Foods can alter the disease and its conditions. Therefore, it is important to understand the role of diet in health conditions.

Related Articles:

Top Thyroid Supplements Based on Customer Reviews

Natural treatment for hypothyroidism

Please visit Hypothyroidism Treatment Guide for more information.

Good Resume Karma for Hospitality Workers

So, you've done your turn in the trenches. You've been a busperson, head waiter, bartender, host, and what-not. After ten to twenty years, many hospitality workers, feeling burned-out at the late shifts and long hours, yearn to break into the ranks of higher management. Yet they find themselves in a kind of 'glass ceiling' situation. They can't get a recruiter to look twice at their resume, even when the qualifications are more than a match for the job.

The place where hospitality is at a disadvantage is the job titles. The hospitality industry being as pinched for profits as it is, someone hired as a waiter or bartender will find themselves performing management functions: balancing books, being in charge of the staff, purchasing, ordering, overseeing the operation of the establishment, and on and on. All of these skills are transferable to higher-salary jobs, but because they were done under the job title of "hostess" or some such, they mean zip as far as an interviewer is concerned.

This is a shame, as the person who knows the business the best is the one who worked their way up through the ranks. The computer age has also sealed the fate of many poorly-considered resumes, as human resource departments search resumes in electronic form, including and excluding keywords and only pulling up those resumes that meet the search criteria.

The recruiter's ultimate responsibility is to the restaurants, hotels, casinos, and clubs which they are hired to represent. This is not to say that they don't also have your best interests at heart; it just means that recruiters have to comply with the job description and qualifications set forth by their clients. So they are unable to present candidates that do not match those requirements - no matter how much a candidate calls back.

So this should tell you something: there are good and bad keywords and phrases. Words like "restaurant, hotel, hostess, waitress, bartender, cook, chef" tend to get you stuck in a rotating cycle of those positions forever. What they fail to address is that you have done work far outside the scope of your job title, and are ready for a meatier career. A broad majority of hospitality job seekers have job titles unrelated to their current career goals.

You are much better off using skill headings rather than job titles, if your goal is to land higher salaries and increase your interview rates. For example, if you were quite practiced in enhanced selling at your business, a handy leading line might be: "A versatile and skilled sales and marketing professional with excellent hands-on experience in developing and improving sales for wholesale and retail operations in the hospitality industry." You did it, why not flaunt it?

Or if you were eventually saddled with overseeing the restaurant staff when all you started out as is a line cook, it's high time you boasted: "An assertive manager with outstanding interpersonal people management skills, experienced in communications, negotiations, operations, and scheduling." Again, your title may not have been manager, but that's still the job you did, and the one you're seeking now!

Bartenders are another catch-all position. The head office sees a bartender as somebody who washes glasses and pours. But the best of all outcomes is when your bar business expands so that now you're booking entertainers, arranging bachelor parties, expanding to include a kitchen, purchasing and warehousing the stock, hiring and firing help, placing advertisements, and generally overseeing the day-to-day operations. You've been promoted in everything but title!

How better to highlight some bullet points:

- Recruited and trained X-number servers and kitchen employees in full service dining.
- Assisted in the X-number% reduction of labor costs through better selection of staff.
- Reduced labor and cost of goods sold by X-number%.
- Carried out a demographic study that pin-pointed the establishment's market.
- Developed and oversaw the new catering program.
- Analyzed and upgraded kitchen equipment to achieve greater efficiency.
- Improved cost control by eliminating waste.
- Consistently ran low-overhead costs throughout seasonal highs and lows.
- Prepared the annual budget for the branch location.
- Directed the development of a new line of appetizers.

To your ears, this may sound like "laying it on thick", and you may be right, but you have to understand that head-hunters think this way. To them, there is no "we switched to a cheaper brand of vodka in our martinis". There is only "efficiently oversaw a new product strategy that reduced price of goods sold".

Chefs are another career category with a few roadblocks in advancement. The publicity of the Celebrity Chefs of the Food Network has helped the chef career gain new stamina in recent years, but maybe that casino manager with the hospitality manager position doesn't watch the Food Network. Many people think 'chef' and are unable to picture anything but a line cook in front of a grill, flipping steaks.

If you engaged in anything involving creativity, such as pastry, planning a menu, designing a new side dish, experimenting with a new recipe, or coming up with a new line of beverages, there's room in marketing and design arts for you. After all, if your endeavors were successful, then that shows that you know your target market and what they like. If your restaurant started hosting banquets and providing catering services, then your responsibilities grew with the business.

Whatever the situation, it's hard not to find examples where you expanded your job experience to fulfill higher duties. The trick, then, is to focus on your newly gained skills, which, after all, you undertook in the first place hoping for advancement, did you not? By phrasing things in a more general way, it makes it evident that your skills are easy to transfer to a new job category.

Freelance writer for over eleven years.

Hospitality Uniforms
Formal Clothing

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